Booking Policy.


We look forward to welcoming you to Ray Holistic Health for a Mind Body Medicine session. Ray Holistic Health is a safe and inclusive space, free from discrimination. We welcome all clients, with their unique lived experience and identities.

Please note the below details about bookings.


Please inform us of any health-related issues you may have at the time of booking through our Client Intake form and in discussion with your Practitioner. Conditions we need to know about include (but are not limited to) things such as mental health issues, high blood pressure, injuries, heart conditions, allergies and pregnancy. If you are unsure whether something might be important, please discuss this with your Practitioner.

This information will be kept in strict confidence.


If you’re unable to make your appointment, Ray Holistic Health requests a minimum of 48-hours-notice for all cancellations and rescheduled appointments. An $80 cancellation fee will apply for any sessions cancelled within 48 hours notice. The full session feel will be payable within 24 hours of the session time.


As above.

Online Bookings and Payments

Online bookings can be made via the Cliniko links on the Ray Holistic Health website. Bookings can also be requested by contacting the clinic directly via email. A confirmation and reminder email for your booking will be sent from the Cliniko system.

Booking Payments

Payments can be made in-person with cash or with a debit or credit card. All payments made via the Square payment system with a debit or credit card will attract a $2.00 surcharge.

Payments can also be made via EFT to the Ray Holistic Health bank account.

Fire Season and Emergencies

The Blackwood clinic is based in the Wombat State Forest in Blackwood, Victoria. This area is prone to bushfire risk. The Good Self clinic in Kyneton may also be at risk of bushfire. Bookings at all locations may be impacted as per the Ray Holistic Health Bushfire and Emergency Policy.