Traditional Chinese Medicine

(The Five Elements)


What are the five elements?

Traditional Chinese Medicine is an ancient medical system that was developed in China over two thousand years ago. It is based on the principle of the five elements and the meridian system;

  • Fire - Heart, Pericardium, Small Intestine, San Jiao

  • Earth - Spleen, Stomach

  • Metal - Lung, Large Intestine

  • Water - Bladder, Kidney

  • Wood - Gallbaldder, Liver

The five elements are a system based on nature to understand the the flow of energy (or "qi") in the body and how this flow of energy can be disrupted or blocked, causing different symptoms and illnesses. 

How can the five elements be used?

The five elements are based on balance, harmony and energy. They can help understand how the flow of energy moves through someone's body via the meridian system and where there could be imbalances or blockages based on symptoms or pain. 

What are the benefits of using the five elements?

The five elements also helps to categorise and understand specific emotions and can assist to deeply understand the psychological context of physical symptoms. They can also direct the focus and the treatments used in a mind body medicine session.

Specific conditions such as the following can be addressed:

  • Sleep disorders

  • Back pain

  • Chronic pain and injuries

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Digestive disorders

  • Fatigue

  • Chronic illness

  • Stress

  • Relationship issues

  • Inflammation

  • Skin conditions

  • Grief and loss

  • Support through change

  • Trauma

  • Addiction

  • Confidence and self-worth

  • Feeling stuck

  • Self expression and creativity

  • General mental, physical and emotional wellbeing

What can you expect from using the five elements?

Using the five elements in the session involves providing a date of birth to the practitioner so that they can calculate the client's Ba Gua Constitution. This identifies which three of the five elements hold particular significance in the client's behaviour patterns and motivators. This knowledge will be used when exploring particular symptoms and issues during Holistic Counselling. 

The practitioner will holistically map the clients symptoms, categorising them to the five elements and the relevant meridians. This will influence which muscles, meridians and acupressure points the practitioner will work with during the session. 

Is using the five elements safe?

Yes, the Five Elements is a safe, non-invasive therapy. People of any age, from children through to older adults, can use the Five Elements safely. 

Read what our clients are saying here.